Climax Lubricant Guns

Climax offers a variety of lubricant guns ranging from hand-held to large skid-mounted systems. Dependent on the job and your preference, we have something that will fit your needs.  

For installations with valves requiring frequent service, a hand operated 1699 High Pressure Hydraulic or the 10516 Screwprime Hand Gun is recommended. This gun permits speedier servicing and also prevents waste of sealant and over filling of valves.

When a large number of valves are in service, the Climax Model 10 is recommended. It is filled by using bulk five (5) quart (4.7 liters) sealant cans which are loaded directly into the Model 10. It is self priming, air operated and is designed to meet extensive field maintenance requirements.



"As well as lubricant grease, we recommend also the stem packing products and the lubricant pumps (Hydraulic and pneumatic) for the high reliability and stoutness demonstrated. We would like to highlight also the constant assistance received from Climax in the development of new lubricants for special applications and in the selection of the best lubricant for every application."

Carrying Cases

Carrying Case available for the 1699. (Shown) We also offer cases for the 10516 and Rocket 280 as well on special order.

Packaging Types


Lubricants and Sealants are offered in Bulk and Stick Grade.

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